Sunday, April 27, 2014

Exciting Weekend!

Several monumental things have happened this weekend and it's only halfway over!

Last night, I purchased an ISBN bundle. If you don't have any clue what that is, it's quite alright. I wasn't too educated in the topic before I began my publishing journey last year. In a nutshell, it's the way a book is identified. Every book has one and can't be published without it. I assigned one of my new ISBNs to my book today, just one step closer to making this happen!

Also this weekend, I finalized my title. Would you believe this book has had possibly a dozen different titles since I began writing it? Honestly, naming the book has been harder than writing it! But I finally came up with something that doesn't leaving me wanting. I don't feel even an inkling of embarrassment about it (like some of the others!) and it doesn't sound pretentious. What is it, you ask? See for yourself.

That's it! I hope it sounds as pretty to everyone else as I think it does! Of course, I know how it fits in with the story, so it's definitely much sweeter to me.

Yet another exciting thing is that I put in a request today for a copy editing consultation. My book has already been through three rounds of editing by me, but I need a professional eye. Time to hand over my baby and find out what I don't know about grammar and punctuation! Hey, I'm a writer, not an English expert, right? And that's why editors exist. ;)

I can't express enough how excited I am to finally put my book out there. It's been very close to a year now since I started it. I'm also very nervous, taking something so precious and dear to my heart and placing it where people have the opportunity to tear it down. I can't think like that, though. I have to remember that there are people who will love it, and be touched and changed by it. Even if only a handful of readers love it the way I do, then that will be good enough for me.

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